Agricultural Research Service - ARS

Dr. Duke's
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases

Chemicals and their Biological Activities in: Haematoxylum campechianum L. (Fabaceae) -- Campechy, Logwood


Acidulant JBH ; Antibacterial 5,000 ppm DUKE1992B ; Antiotitic MAR ; Antivaginitic 1-2% DUKE1992B ; Expectorant MAR ; Fungicide M29 ; Keratitigenic M&R367 ; Mucolytic M29 ; Osteolytic DUKE1992B ; Perfumery FEMA 6,000-40,000 ppm ARC ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Protisticide M29 ; Spermicide MAR ; Ulcerogenic HG20:9 ; Verrucolytic DUKE1992B

No activity reported.

Antibacterial DUKE1992B ; Anticarcinomic ED50=18 DUKE1992B ; Antioxidant MAR ; Antiseptic DUKE1992B ; Pesticide DUKE1992B

HAEMATOXYLIN Wood 90,000 - 120,000 ppm HHB WOI
Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor DUKE1992B ; Allergenic M&R ; Anticataract ED50=100 uM DUKE1992B ; Dermatitigenic M&R ; Dye JBH ; Sweetener CPP39:1382

No activity reported.

Allelochemic IC82=1 mM 438 ; Antiallergenic RWG122 ; Antibacterial MIC=20-500 ug/ml; Antifeedant IC52=<1,000 ppm diet 438 ; Antigastric DUKE1992B ; Antigingivitic MIC=20 ug/ml JNP59:987 ; Antigonadotrophic JBH ; Antihistaminic RWG122 ; AntiHIV POP:270 ; Antiinflammatory OMM ; Antimutagenic ID50=2-5 nM PCF ; Antioxidant 1.4 uM P&T78:143 IC99=200 ppm PCF ; Antiperiodontic MIC=20 ug/ml JNP59:987 ; Antiplaque JNP59:987 ; Antiseptic JNP59:987 ; Antiviral POP:270 ; Apoptotic 60 uM PMID10673981 ; Cancer-Preventive 525 ; Candidicide MIC=150 ug/ml PM57:A43 ; COMP-Inhibitor JCN70:1040 ; Diuretic OMM ; Hypoglycemic EMP6:170 ; Larvistat IC50=2.6-3.5 mM/kg diet 438 ; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor JBH ; Mutagenic NIG ; Oxidase-Inhibitor JBH ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Quinone-Reductase-Inducer 36 uM CLE120:213 ; Topoisomerase-I-Inhibitor IC50=11.9 ug/ml; Topoisomerase-II-Inhibitor; Tyrosine-Kinase-Inhibitor EMP6:170 ; Vasodilator JAFC48:220

Antiseptic DUKE1992B ; CNS-Paralytic JBH ; Fatal M29 ; Hemostatic M11 ; Irritant M&R499 ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Renotoxic M11

No activity reported.

11B-HSD-Inhibitor CPT59:62 ; 5-Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor IC50 (uM)=4; Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor 100 uM 4 ug/ml SKN43:99 IC50=0.344 uM ZZZ18:623 IC50=0.84 ug/ml cow CPB43:1385 ; Allelochemic IC82=1 mM 438 ; Allergenic JBH ; Analgesic FT63(3):197 ; Antiaggregant 30 uM JAF45:4505 IC50=55 uM EMP5:333 ; Antiallergic IC50=14 uM JIM127:546 ; Antianaphylactic PR4(5):201 ; Antiasthmatic; Antiatherosclerotic PMID11020457 ; Antibacterial JBH ; Anticarcinomic (Breast) IC50=1.5 uM MED ; Anticariogenic ID50=120 ug/ml JAF48:5666 ; Anticataract PM56(3):258 ; Anticolitic 400 mg/man/3x/day PAM ; AntiCrohn's PAM ; Antidermatitic PAM ; Antidiabetic; Antielastase IC50=0.8 ug/ml DUKE1992B ; Antiencephalitic EMP5:199 ; Antiescherichic PMID10857921 ; Antiestrogenic; Antifeedant IC52=<1,000 ppm diet 438 ; Antifibrosarcomic JAF45:4505 ; Antiflu V&D ; Antigastric RR21:85 ; Antigonadotropic JBH ; AntiGTF ID50=120 ug/ml JAF48:5666 ; Antihepatotoxic PM56(2):171 ; Antiherpetic PAM ; Antihistaminic IC50=<10 uM; AntiHIV JNP60(9):884 ; Antihydrophobic V&D ; Antihypertensive KCH ; Antiinflammatory (20 mg/kg) 150 mg/kg FT5:1990 ; Antileukemic 5.5-60 uM BO2 IC50=10 uM EMP5:225 IC50=>10 ug/ml LS55:1061 ; Antileukotriene PAM ; Antilipoperoxidant IC67=50; Antimalarial IC50=1-6.4 ug/ml MPT ; Antimelanomic; Antimutagenic ID50=2-5 nM PCF ; Antimyocarditic EMP5:199 ; Antinitrosaminic PAL:339 ; Antioxidant 4.7 x Vit. E BO2 ED50=2.3 uM PR14:93 IC96=300 ppm PCF ; Antipancreatitic JNU ; Antiperiodontal PAM ; Antipermeability DUKE1992B ; Antiperoxidant PM57:A110 ; Antipharyngitic PAM ; Antiplaque PAM ; AntiPMS 500 mg/2x/day/wmn PAM ; Antipodriac PAM ; Antipolio PAM ; Antiproliferant JNM7:51 ; Antiprostanoid PCF:51 ; Antiprostatitic JNU ; Antipsoriac PAM ; Antiradicular IC50=4.6 uM PM56(6):695 ; Antispasmodic; Antistreptococcic ID50=120 ug/ml JAF48:5666 ; Antithiamin PCF:69 ; Antithrombic PAL:339 ; Antitumor 10 uM; Antitumor (Bladder) JNM7:51 ; Antitumor (Breast) JNM7:51 ; Antitumor (Colon) JAF45:4505 ; Antitumor (Lung) PMID10918203 ; Antitumor (Ovary) JNM7:51 ; Antitumor (Skin) 20 uM BO2 ; Antitumor-Promoter PAM ; Antiviral IC50=10 uM; Apoptotic 20-60 uM; ATPase-Inhibitor NIG ; Bacteristat 10 mg/ml QRNM(SUMMER):91 ; Bradycardiac KCH ; Calmodulin-Antagonist PAM ; cAMP-Phosphodiesterase-Inhibitor PAM ; Cancer-Preventive 525 ; Candidicide PMID10857921 ; Capillariprotective M11 ; Carcinogenic 40,000 ppm (diet) mus NIG ; Catabolic AFR27:173 ; COMT-Inhibitor QRNM1997:293 ; Copper-Chelator PR14:93 ; COX-2-Inhibitor <40 uM BO2 ; Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor PCF:49 ; Cytotoxic ED50=70 ug/ml PM56(6):677 IC82=100 ug/ml PM57:A113 ; Deiodinase-Inhibitor JNM1:10 ; Diaphoretic? LRN-DEC90 ; Differentiator 5.5 uM BO2 ; Estrogenic 10% genistein B02 ; Fungicide PMID10857921 ; Glucosyl-Transferase-Inhibitor ID50=120 ug/ml JAF48:5666 ; Hemostat KCH ; Hepatomagenic 5,000 ppm (diet) rat PCF ; Hepatoprotective FT67:200 ; HIV-RT-Inhibitor IC50=<1 ug/ml JNP53(5):1239 ; Hypoglycemic 100 mg/kg orl rat JE27:243 ; Inotropic PMID10404425 ; Insulinogenic PAM ; Juvabional 438 ; Larvistat 8,000 ppm diet 438 ; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor IC11=1.25 mM JAF38:688 IC50=0.1-5 uM DFN:154 ; MAO-A-Inhibitor QRNM1997:293 ; Mast-Cell-Stabilizer DUKE1992B ; Metal-Chelator (Copper) PR14:93 ; MMP-9-Inhibitor 20 uM BO2 ; Mutagenic HG22:27 ; NADH-Oxidase-Inhibitor BJP3:10 ; Neuroprotective 5-25 uM PMID11030720 ; Ornithine-Decarboxylase-Inhibitor <10 uM; P450-Inducer 5 uM FNF ; P450-Inhibitor 50-100 uM FNF ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Phospholipase-Inhibitor BJP3:10 ; Prostaglandin-Synthesis-Inhibitor 40 ug/ml PR11:281 ; Protein-Kinase-C-Inhibitor PCF:14 ; PTK-Inhibitor 0.4-24 uM BO2 ; Quinone-Reductase-Inducer 13 uM 6 uM CLE120:213 ; Teratologic DUKE1992B ; Topoisomerase-I-Inhibitor IC50=12.8 ug/ml IC50=42 uM BO2 ; Topoisomerase-II-Inhibitor IC50=1-6.9 ug/ml IC50=23-40 uM BO2 ; Tumorigenic 0.1% diet orl rat/yr 505 ; Tyrosine-Kinase-Inhibitor EMP6:170 ; Vasodilator; Xanthine-Oxidase-Inhibitor IC50=>0.4 ug/ml CPB38:1772

No activity reported.

TANNIN Wood 100,000 ppm; HHB WOI
Anthelminthic JNP59:205 ; Antibacterial JE26:74 ; Anticancer JAF47:397 ; Anticariogenic JNP59:205 ; Antidiarrheic DUKE1992B ; Antidysenteric DUKE1992B ; Antihepatotoxic JNP59:205 ; AntiHIV JNP59:205 ; Antihypertensive JNP59:205 ; Antilipolytic JNP59:205 ; Antimutagenic DUKE1992B ; Antinephritic CPB38:1049 ; Antiophidic EMP5:363 ; Antioxidant 1/3 quercetin JAF47:397 IC50=1.44 ug/ml CPB38:1051 ; Antiradicular 1/3 quercetin JAF47:397 500 mg/kg/day orl mus CPB38:1049 ; Antirenitic CPB38:1049 ; Antitumor; Antitumor-Promoter JAF47:397 ; Antiulcer JNP59:205 ; Antiviral; Cancer-Preventive HG22:14 ; Carcinogenic AHP156 ; Chelator JNP59:205 ; Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; Glucosyl-Transferase-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; Hepatoprotective DUKE1992B ; Immunosuppressant RWG29 ; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; MAO-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; Ornithine-Decarboxylase-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Psychotropic CPB38:1049 ; Xanthine-Oxidase-Inhibitor JNP59:205

No activity reported.


438: Lydon, J. & Duke, S., The potential of pesticides from plants, pp. 1-41 in Craker, L. & Simon, J., eds, Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants: Recent Advances in Botany, Horticulture, & Pharmacology, v. 4, Oryx Press, Phoenix, 1989, 267pp.
505: Jim Duke's personal files.
525: Stitt, P. A. Why George Should Eat Broccoli. Dougherty Co, Milwaukee, WI, 1990, 399 pp.
AFR27:173: Jim Duke's personal files
AHP156: Jim Duke's personal files
ARC: Aloe Research Council - Duke writeup of non-peer reviewd book by Coats and draft by Henry Note: Most ARC numerical data were in mg/dl. I know of no other plant where zinc is more prevalent than other minerals and protein. These data should be viewed as suspect.
B02: Jim Duke's personal files
BJP3:10: Jim Duke's personal files
BO2: Jim Duke's personal files
CLE120:213: Uda, Y., Price, K. R., Williamson, G., Rhodes, M. J. C. 1997. Induction of the Anticarcinogenic Marker Enzyme, Quinone Reductase, in Murine Hepatoma Cells In Vitro by Flavonoids. Cancer Lett., 120 (2): 213-216.
CPB38:1049: Uchida, U., Ohta, H., Niwa, M., Mori, A., Nonaka, G-i., Nishioka, I., and Zaki, M. 1989. Prolongation of Life Span of Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSP) Ingesting Persimmon Tannin. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(4): 1049-1052, 1990.
CPB38:1051: Jim Duke's personal files
CPB38:1772: Chem. & Pharm. Bull. 38: 1772.
CPB39:1382: Jim Duke's personal files
CPB43:1385: Okada,Y,et al.1995.Search for Naturally Occurring Substances to Prevent the Complications of Diabetes.II.Inhibitory Effect of Coumarin and Flavonoid Derivatives on Bovine Lens Aldose Reductase and Rabbit Platelet Aggregation.Chem Pharm Bull43(8):1385-1387
CPP39:1382: Jim Duke's personal files
CPT59:62: Jim Duke's personal files
DFN:154: Jim Duke's personal files
DUKE1992B: Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of biologically active phytochemicals and their activities. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.
EMP5:199: Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 199.
EMP5:225: Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 225.
EMP5:333: Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 333.
EMP5:363: Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 363.
EMP6:170: Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 6: 170.
FNF: Father Nature's Farmacy: The aggregate of all these three-letter citations.
FT5:1990: Fitoterapia No.5-1990.
FT63(3):197: Jim Duke's personal files
FT67:200: Jim Duke's personal files
HG20:9: HerbalGram No. 20, page 9.
HG22:14: HerbalGram No. 22 - Spring 1990, page 14.
HG22:27: Jim Duke's personal files
HHB: List, P.H. and Horhammer, L., Hager's Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, Vols. 2-6, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1969-1979.
JAF38:688: Oszmianski, J. and Lee, C.Y. 1990. Inhibitory Effect of Phenolics on Carotene Bleaching in Vegetables. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38: 688-690.
JAF45:4505: Jim Duke's personal files
JAF47:397: Jim Duke's personal files
JAF48:5666: Jim Duke's personal files
JAFC48:220: Jim Duke's personal files
JBH: Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
JCN70:1040: Dullo, A. G., et al. 1999. Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. Am. J. Clinical Nutrition, 70: 1040-1045.
JE26:74: Jim Duke's personal files
JE27:243: Ivorra, M.D., Paya, M., and Villar, A. 1989. A Review of Natural Products and Plants as Potential Antidiabetic Drugs. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 27: 243-275, 1989.
JIM127:546: Jim Duke's personal files.
JNM1:10: Jim Duke's personal files.
JNM7:51: Jim Duke's personal files
JNP53(5):1239: Nakane, H., Fukushima, M., and Ono*, K. Differential Inhibition Of Reverse Transcriptase And Various DNA Polymerases By Digallic Acid And Its Derivatives. Journal of Natural Products, 53(5): 1234-1240, 1990.
JNP59:205: Jim Duke's personal files
JNP59:987: Jim Duke's personal files
JNP60(9):884: Jim Duke's personal files
JNU: Jim Duke's personal files
KCH: Huang, K. C. 1993. The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 388 pp.
LRN-DEC90: Lawrence Review of Natural Products, Dec-90.
LS55:1061: Life Sciences 55: 1061.
M&R: Mitchell, J. and Rook, A.J. 1923. Botanical Dermatology: plants and plant products injurious to the skin. Vancouver: Greengrass, 1979. xiii, 787 p.: ill.
M&R367: Jim Duke's personal files
M&R499: Jim Duke's personal files
M11: Merck 11th Edition
M29: Martindale's 29th
MAR: Martindale's 28th
MED: Medline (post 1990 searches filed in my computer)
MPT: Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of the Tropics. Leeuwenberg, A.J.M., ed. Pudoc, Wageningen. 1987.
NIG: Nigg, H.N. and Seigler, D.S., eds. 1992. Phytochemical Resources for Medicine and Agriculture. Plenum Press, New York. 445 pp.
OMM: Oriental Materia Medica (three volumes by Dr. Hsu and collaborators)
P&T78:143: Jim Duke's personal files
PAL:339: Jim Duke's personal files
PAM: Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf).
PCF: Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health. Antioxidants & Cancer Prevention. Huang, M.T., Ho, C.T. and Lee, C.Y. eds. 1992. ACS Symposium Series 507.ACS, Washington 402 pp.
PCF:14: Naim, M., Zehavi, U., Nagy, S., and Rouseff, R.L. Hydroxycinnamic Acids as Off-Flavor Precursors in Citrus Fruits and Their Products. Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health, Ch.14.
PCF:49: Jim Duke's personal files
PCF:51: Jim Duke's personal files
PCF:69: Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health, 69.
PM56(2):171: Joyeux, M., Rolland, A., Fleurentin, J., Mortier, F., and Dorfman, P. 1989. Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide-Induced Injury in Isolated Rat Hepatocytes: A Model for Studying Anti-Hepatotoxic Crude Drugs. Planta Medica 56(2): 171-173, 1990.
PM56(3):258: Jim Duke's personal files
PM56(6):677: Matsukawa, Y., et al. The Effect of Quercetin and Other Flavonoids on Cell Cycle Progresssion and Growth of Human Gastric Cancer Cells. Planta Medica, 56(6): 677, 1990.
PM56(6):695: Planta Medica, 56(6): 695, 1990.
PM57:A110: Planta Medica, 57: A110, 1991.
PM57:A113: Planta Medica, 57: A113, 1991.
PM57:A43: Planta Medica, 57: A43, 1991.
PMID10404425: Jim Duke's personal files
PMID10673981: Jim Duke's personal files
PMID10857921: Jim Duke's personal files
PMID10918203: Jim Duke's personal files
PMID11020457: Jim Duke's personal files
PMID11030720: Jim Duke's personal files
POP:270: Jim Duke's personal files
PR11:281: Ibewuike, J. C., Ogungbamila, F. O., Ogundaini, A. O., Okeke, I. N., Bohlin, L. 1997. Antiinflammatory and Antibacterial Activities of C-methylflavonol from Piliostigma thonningii. Phytotherapy Research, 11(4): 281-284.
PR14:93: Seidel, V., Verholle, M., Malard, Y., Tillequin, F., Fruchart, J-C., Duriez, P., Bailleul, F., Teissier, E. 2000. Phenylpropanoids from Ballota nigra L. Inhibit in vitro LDL Peroxidation. Phytotherapy Research, 14(2): 93-98.
PR4(5):201: Meli, R., Autore, G., Di Carlo, G., Capasso, F. Inhibitory Action of Quercetin on Intestinal Transit in Mice. Phytotherapy Research 4(5): 201, 1990.
QRNM(SUMMER):91: Jim Duke's personal files
QRNM1997:293: Jim Duke's personal files
RR21:85: Rastitel'nye Resursy, 21: 85.
RWG122: Jim Duke's personal files
RWG29: Jim Duke's personal files
SKN43:99: Ichikawa, K., et al. 1991. Isolation and Structure Determination of Aldose Reductase Inhibitors from Traditional Thai Medicine, and Syntheses of Their Derivatives. Sankyo Kenkyusho Nempo, 43: 99-110.
V&D: Vlietinck, A.J. and Dommisse, R.A. eds. 1985. Advances in Medicinal Plant Research. Wiss. Verlag. Stuttgart.
WOI: ANON. 1948-1976. The Wealth of India raw materials. Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi. 11 volumes.
ZZZ18:623: Mao, X. M., Zhang, J. Q. 1993. Inhibition of Aldose Reductase by Extracts of Chinese Herbal Medicine. Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi , 18(10): 623-624.

ppm = parts per million
tr = trace

Phytochemical Database, USDA - ARS - NGRL, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland
Thu May 16 17:08:48 EDT 2002

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